Source code for bibmanager.latex_manager.latex_manager

# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Patricio Cubillos.
# bibmanager is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

__all__ = [

import os
import re
import subprocess
import numpy as np

from .. import bib_manager    as bm
from .. import config_manager as cm
from .. import utils as u

[docs]def no_comments(text): r""" Remove comments from tex file, partially inspired by this: Parameters ---------- text: String Content from a latex file. Returns ------- no_comments_text: String Input text with removed comments (as defined by latex format). Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.latex_manager as lm >>> text = r''' Hello, this is dog. % This is a comment line. This line ends with a comment. % A comment However, this is a percentage \%, not a comment. OK, bye.''' >>> print(lm.no_comments(text)) Hello, this is dog. This line ends with a comment. However, this is a percentage \%, not a comment. OK, bye. """ return re.sub(r"\A%.*|[^\\]%.*", "", text)
[docs]def citations(text): r""" Generator to find citations in a tex text. Partially inspired by this: Notes ----- Act recursively in case there are references inside the square brackets of the cite call. Only failing case I can think so far is if there are nested square brackets. Parameters ---------- text: String String where to search for the latex citations. Yields ------ citation: String The citation key. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.latex_manager as lm >>> import os >>> # Syntax matches any of these calls: >>> tex = r''' \citep{AuthorA}. \citep[pre]{AuthorB}. \citep[pre][post]{AuthorC}. \citep [pre] [post] {AuthorD}. \citep[{\pre},][post]{AuthorE, AuthorF}. \citep[pre][post]{AuthorG} and \citep[pre][post]{AuthorH}. \citep{ AuthorI}. \citep [][]{AuthorJ}. \citep[pre ][post] {AuthorK, AuthorL} \citep[see also \citealp{AuthorM}][]{AuthorN}''' >>> for citation in lm.citations(tex): >>> print(citation, end=" ") AuthorA AuthorB AuthorC AuthorD AuthorE AuthorF AuthorG AuthorH AuthorI AuthorJ AuthorK AuthorL AuthorM AuthorN >>> # Match all of these cite calls: >>> tex = r''' \cite{AuthorA}, \nocite{AuthorB}, \defcitealias{AuthorC}. \citet{AuthorD}, \citet*{AuthorE}, \Citet{AuthorF}, \Citet*{AuthorG}. \citep{AuthorH}, \citep*{AuthorI}, \Citep{AuthorJ}, \Citep*{AuthorK}. \citealt{AuthorL}, \citealt*{AuthorM}, \Citealt{AuthorN}, \Citealt*{AuthorO}. \citealp{AuthorP}, \citealp*{AuthorQ}, \Citealp{AuthorR}, \Citealp*{AuthorS}. \citeauthor{AuthorT}, \citeauthor*{AuthorU}. \Citeauthor{AuthorV}, \Citeauthor*{AuthorW}. \citeyear{AuthorX}, \citeyear*{AuthorY}. \citeyearpar{AuthorZ}, \citeyearpar*{AuthorAA}.''' >>> for citation in lm.citations(tex): >>> print(citation, end=" ") AuthorA AuthorB AuthorC AuthorD AuthorE AuthorF AuthorG AuthorH AuthorI AuthorJ AuthorK AuthorL AuthorM AuthorN AuthorO AuthorP AuthorQ AuthorR AuthorS AuthorT AuthorU AuthorV AuthorW AuthorX AuthorY AuthorZ AuthorAA >>> texfile = os.path.expanduser('~')+"/.bibmanager/examples/sample.tex" >>> with open(texfile, encoding='utf-8') as f: >>> tex = >>> tex = lm.no_comments(tex) >>> cites = [citation for citation in lm.citations(tex)] >>> for key in np.unique(cites): >>> print(key) AASteamHendrickson2018aastex62 Astropycollab2013aaAstropy Hunter2007ieeeMatplotlib JonesEtal2001scipy MeurerEtal2017pjcsSYMPY PerezGranger2007cseIPython vanderWaltEtal2011numpy """ # This RE pattern matches: # - Latex commands: \defcitealias, \nocite, \cite # - Natbib commands: \cite + p, t, alp, alt, author, year, yearpar # (as well as their capitalized and starred versions). # - Zero or one square brackets (with everything in between). # - Zero or one square brackets (with everything in between). # - The content of the curly braces. # With zero or more blanks in between each expression. p = re.compile( r"\\(?:defcitealias|nocite|cite|" r"(?:[Cc]ite(?:p|alp|t|alt|author|year|yearpar)\*?))" r"[\s]*(\[[^\]]*\])?" r"[\s]*(\[[^\]]*\])?" r"[\s]*{([^}]+)") # Parse matches, do recursive call on the brakets content, yield keys: for left, right, cites in p.findall(text): # Remove blanks, strip outer commas: cites = "".join(cites.split()).strip(",") for cite in citations(left): yield cite for cite in cites.split(","): yield cite for cite in citations(right): yield cite
[docs]def parse_subtex_files(tex): """ Recursively search for subfiles included in tex. Append their content at the end of tex and return. Parameters ---------- tex: String String to parse. Returns ------- tex: String String with appended content from any subfile. """ # Remove blanks, strip outer commas: tex = no_comments(tex) # This RE pattern matches: # - The command: \input or \include or \subfile # - The content of the curly braces. # With zero or more blanks in between each expression. p = re.compile(r"\\(?:input|include|subfile)[\s]*{([^}]+)") # Parse matches, do recursive call on the brackets content, yield keys: for input_file in p.findall(tex): path, input_file = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(input_file)) input_file, extension = os.path.splitext(input_file.strip()) with open(f"{path}/{input_file}.tex", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: input_tex = parse_subtex_files( tex += input_tex return tex
[docs]def build_bib(texfile, bibfile=None): """ Generate a .bib file from a given tex file. Parameters ---------- texfile: String Name of an input tex file. bibfile: String Name of an output bib file. If None, get bibfile name from bibliography call inside the tex file. Returns ------- missing: List of strings List of the bibkeys not found in the bibmanager database. """ # Extract path: path, texfile = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(texfile)) # Remove extension: texfile, extension = os.path.splitext(texfile) if extension != ".tex": raise ValueError("Input file does not have a .tex extension.") with open(f"{path}/{texfile}.tex", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: tex = # Start at the beginning: beginning = tex.find(r'\begin{document}') if beginning > 0: tex = tex[beginning:] # Implemented into a separate function to get recursion rolling: tex = parse_subtex_files(tex) # Extract bibfile name from texfile: if bibfile is None: biblio = re.findall(r"\\bibliography{([^}]+)", tex) if len(biblio) == 0: raise Exception("No 'bibiliography' call found in tex file.") bibfile = f"{path}/{biblio[0].strip()}.bib" # Extract citation keys from texfile: cites = [citation for citation in citations(tex)] tex_keys = np.unique(cites) # Collect BibTeX references from keys in database: bibs = bm.load() db_keys = [bib.key for bib in bibs] found = np.in1d(tex_keys, db_keys, assume_unique=True) missing = tex_keys[np.where(np.invert(found))] if not np.all(found): print("References not found:\n{:s}".format('\n'.join(missing))) bibs = [bibs[db_keys.index(key)] for key in tex_keys[found]] bm.export(bibs, bibfile=bibfile) return missing
[docs]def clear_latex(texfile): """ Remove by-products of previous latex compilations. Parameters ---------- texfile: String Path to an existing .tex file. Notes ----- For an input argument texfile='filename.tex', this function deletes the files that begin with 'filename' followed by: .bbl, .blg, .out, .dvi, .log, .aux, .lof, .lot, .toc, .ps, .pdf, Notes.bib """ clears = [ '.bbl', '.blg', '.out', '.dvi', '.log', '.aux', '.lof', '.lot', '.toc', '.ps', '.pdf', 'Notes.bib'] # Remove extension: texfile = os.path.splitext(texfile)[0] # Delete without complaining: for clear in clears: with u.ignored(OSError): os.remove(f'{texfile}{clear}')
[docs]def compile_latex(texfile, paper=None): """ Compile a .tex file into a .pdf file using latex calls. Parameters ---------- texfile: String Path to an existing .tex file. paper: String Paper size for output. For example, ApJ articles use letter format, whereas A&A articles use A4 format. Notes ----- This function executes the following calls: - compute a bibfile out of the citation calls in the .tex file. - removes all outputs from previous compilations (see clear_latex()) - calls latex, bibtex, latex, latex to produce a .dvi file - calls dvips to produce a .ps file, redirecting the output to ps2pdf to produce the final .pdf file. """ # Extract path: path, texfile = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(texfile)) # Remove extension: texfile, extension = os.path.splitext(texfile) if extension not in [".tex", ""]: raise ValueError("Input file does not have a .tex extension") if extension == "" and os.path.isfile(f"{path}/{texfile}.tex"): extension = ".tex" if not os.path.isfile(f"{path}/{texfile}.tex"): raise ValueError("Input .tex file does not exist") # Default paper format: if paper is None: paper = cm.get('paper') # Proceed in place: with # Re-generate bib file if necessary. missing = build_bib(f'{texfile}.tex') # Clean up: clear_latex(texfile) # Compile into dvi:['latex', texfile], shell=False)['bibtex', texfile], shell=False)['latex', texfile], shell=False)['latex', texfile], shell=False) # dvi to pdf: # I could actually split the dvips and ps2pdf calls to make the code # easier to follow, but piping the outputs actually make it faster: f'dvips -R0 -P pdf -t {paper} -f {texfile} | ' 'ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dEmbedAllFonts=true ' f'-dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true - - > {texfile}.pdf', shell=True) # Some notes: # (1) '-P pdf' makes the file to look good on screen, says STScI: # # (2) See 'man ps2pdf' to understand the dashes. # (3) See for ps2pdf options. if len(missing) > 0: print(f"\n{texfile}.tex has some references not found:") for key in missing: print("- " + key)
[docs]def compile_pdflatex(texfile): """ Compile a .tex file into a .pdf file using pdflatex calls. Parameters ---------- texfile: String Path to an existing .tex file. Notes ----- This function executes the following calls: - compute a bibfile out of the citation calls in the .tex file. - removes all outputs from previous compilations (see clear_latex()) - calls pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex, pdflatex to produce a .pdf file """ # Extract path: path, texfile = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(texfile)) # Remove extension: texfile, extension = os.path.splitext(texfile) if extension not in [".tex", ""]: raise ValueError("Input file does not have a .tex extension") if extension == "" and os.path.isfile(f"{path}/{texfile}.tex"): extension = ".tex" if not os.path.isfile(f"{path}/{texfile}.tex"): raise ValueError("Input .tex file does not exist") # Proceed in place: with # Re-generate bib file if necessary. missing = build_bib(f'{texfile}.tex') # Clean up: clear_latex(texfile) # Compile into pdf:['pdflatex', texfile], shell=False)['bibtex', texfile], shell=False)['pdflatex', texfile], shell=False)['pdflatex', texfile], shell=False) if len(missing) > 0: print(f"\n{texfile}.tex has some references not found:") for key in missing: print("- " + key)