Source code for bibmanager.utils.utils

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Patricio Cubillos.
# bibmanager is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

__all__ = [
    # Constants:
    # Pseudo-constants:
    # Named tuples:
    # Context managers:
    # Functions:
    # Classes:

import os
import re
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggest, Suggestion
from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter, PathCompleter, Completion
from prompt_toolkit.validation import Validator
from pygments.token import Token

from .. import config_manager as cm
from .. import bib_manager as bm

# Directories/files:
HOME = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.bibmanager/'
ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/..') + '/'

# Unicode to start/end bold-face syntax:
BOLD = '\033[1m'
END  = '\033[0m'

# A delimiter:
BANNER = "\n" + ":"*70 + "\n"

# Pseudo-constants:
[docs] def BM_DATABASE(): """The database of BibTex entries""" return cm.get('home') + 'bm_database.pickle'
[docs] def BM_BIBFILE(): """Bibfile representation of the database""" return cm.get('home') + 'bm_bibliography.bib'
[docs] def BM_TMP_BIB(): """Temporary bibfile database for editing""" return cm.get('home') + 'tmp_bibliography.bib'
[docs] def BM_CACHE(): """ADS queries cache""" return cm.get('home') + 'cached_ads_query.pickle'
[docs] def BM_HISTORY_ADS(): """ADS search history""" return cm.get('home') + 'history_ads_search'
[docs] def BM_HISTORY_PDF(): """PDF search history""" return cm.get('home') + 'history_pdf_search'
[docs] def BM_HISTORY_TAGS(): """PDF search history""" return cm.get('home') + 'history_tags'
[docs] def BM_PDF(): """Folder for PDF files of the BibTex entries""" return cm.get('home') + 'pdf/'
# Named tuples: Author = namedtuple("Author", "last first von jr") Sort_author = namedtuple("Sort_author", "last first von jr year month") # For more info, see ads_keywords = [ # First seven show on 'tab' hit: 'author:"^"', 'author:""', 'year:', 'title:""', 'abstract:""', 'property:refereed', 'property:article', # Sort the rest alphabetically: 'abs:""', 'ack:""', 'aff:""', 'arXiv:', 'arxiv_class:""', 'bibcode:', 'bibgroup:""', 'bibstem:', 'body:""', 'citations()', 'copyright:', 'data:""', 'database:astronomy', 'database:physics', 'doctype:abstract', 'doctype:article', 'doctype:book', 'doctype:bookreview', 'doctype:catalog', 'doctype:circular', 'doctype:eprint', 'doctype:erratum', 'doctype:inproceedings', 'doctype:inbook', 'doctype:mastersthesis', 'doctype:misc', 'doctype:newsletter', 'doctype:obituary', 'doctype:phdthesis', 'doctype:pressrelease', 'doctype:proceedings', 'doctype:proposal', 'doctype:software', 'doctype:talk', 'doctype:techreport', 'doi:', 'full:""', 'grant:', 'identifier:""', 'issue:', 'keyword:""', 'lang:""', 'object:""', 'orcid:', 'page:', 'property:ads_openaccess', 'property:eprint', 'property:eprint_openaccess', 'property:inproceedings', 'property:non_article', 'property:notrefereed', 'property:ocrabstract', 'property:openaccess', 'property:pub_openaccess', 'property:software', 'references()', 'reviews()', 'similar()', 'topn()', 'trending()', 'useful()', 'vizier:""', 'volume:', ] # Context managers:
[docs] @contextmanager def ignored(*exceptions): """ Context manager to ignore exceptions. Taken from here: """ try: yield except exceptions: pass
[docs] @contextmanager def cd(newdir): """ Context manager for changing the current working directory. Taken from here: """ olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(newdir)) try: yield finally: os.chdir(olddir)
# Functions:
[docs] def ordinal(number): """ Get ordinal string representation for input number(s). Parameters ---------- number: Integer or 1D integer ndarray An integer or array of integers. Returns ------- ord: String or List of strings Ordinal representation of input number(s). Return a string if input is int; else, return a list of strings. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import ordinal >>> print(ordinal(1)) 1st >>> print(ordinal(2)) 2nd >>> print(ordinal(11)) 11th >>> print(ordinal(111)) 111th >>> print(ordinal(121)) 121st >>> print(ordinal(np.arange(1,6))) ['1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th'] """ ending = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"] unit = number % 10 teen = (number//10) % 10 != 1 idx = unit * (unit<4) * teen if type(number) is int: return f"{number}{ending[idx]}" return [f"{n}{ending[i]}" for n,i in zip(number,idx)]
[docs] def count(text): """ Count net number of braces in text (add 1 for each opening brace, subtract one for each closing brace). Parameters ---------- text: String A string. Returns ------- counts: Integer Net number of braces. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import count >>> count('{Hello} world') 0 """ return text.count("{") - text.count("}")
[docs] def nest(text): r""" Get braces nesting level for each character in text. Parameters ---------- text: String String to inspect. Returns ------- counts: 1D integer list Braces nesting level for each character. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import nest >>> s = "{{P\\'erez}, F. and {Granger}, B.~E.}," >>> n = nest(s) >>> print(f"{s}\n{''.join([str(v) for v in n])}") {{P\'erez}, F. and {Granger}, B.~E.}, 0122222222111111111122222222111111110 """ counts = np.zeros(len(text), int) for i,s in enumerate(text[:-1]): if s == "{": counts[i+1] = counts[i] + 1 elif s == "}": counts[i+1] = counts[i] - 1 else: counts[i+1] = counts[i] return counts
[docs] def cond_split(text, pattern, nested=None, nlev=-1, ret_nests=False): r""" Conditional find and split strings in a text delimited by all occurrences of pattern where the brace-nested level is nlev. Parameters ---------- text: String String where to search for pattern. pattern: String A regex pattern to search. nested: 1D integer iterable Braces nesting level of characters in text. nlev: Integer Required nested level to accept pattern match. ret_nests: Bool If True, return a list with the arrays of nested level for each of the returned substrings. Returns ------- substrings: List of strings List of strings delimited by the accepted pattern matches. nests: List of integer ndarrays [optional] nested level for substrings. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import cond_split >>> # Split an author list string delimited by ' and ' pattern: >>> cond_split("{P\\'erez}, F. and {Granger}, B.~E.", " and ") ["{P\\'erez}, F.", '{Granger}, B.~E.'] >>> # Protected instances (within braces) won't count: >>> cond_split("{AAS and Astropy Teams} and {Hendrickson}, A.", " and ") ['{AAS and Astropy Teams}', '{Hendrickson}, A.'] >>> # Matches at the beginning or end do not count for split: >>> cond_split(",Jones, Oliphant, Peterson,", ",") ['Jones', ' Oliphant', ' Peterson'] >>> # But two consecutive matches do return an empty string: >>> cond_split("Jones,, Peterson", ",") ['Jones', '', ' Peterson'] """ if nested is None: nested = nest(text) if nlev == -1 and len(nested) > 0: nlev = nested[0] # First and last indices of each pattern match: bounds = [ (m.start(0), m.end(0)) for m in re.finditer(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE) if nested[m.start(0)] == nlev] flat_bounds = [item for sublist in bounds for item in sublist] # No matches: if len(flat_bounds) == 0: if ret_nests: return [text], [nested] return [text] # Beginning and end of substrings at the ends of the input: flat_bounds.insert(0, 0) flat_bounds.append(len(text)) # Matches, parse substrings: pairs = zip(*([iter(flat_bounds)]*2)) substrings = [text[start:end] for (start,end) in pairs] if ret_nests: pairs = zip(*([iter(flat_bounds)]*2)) nests = [nested[start:end] for (start,end) in pairs] return substrings, nests return substrings
[docs] def cond_next(text, pattern, nested, nlev=1): """ Find next instance of pattern in text where nested is nlev. Parameters ---------- text: String Text where to search for regex. pattern: String Regular expression to search for. nested: 1D integer iterable Braces-nesting level of characters in text. nlev: Integer Requested nested level. Returns ------- Index integer of pattern in text. If not found, return the index of the last character in text. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import nest, cond_next >>> text = '"{{HITEMP}, the high-temperature molecular database}",' >>> nested = nest(text) >>> # Ignore comma within braces: >>> cond_next(text, ",", nested, nlev=0) 53 """ if len(text) == 0: return 0 for m in re.finditer(pattern, text): if nested[m.start(0)] == nlev: return m.start(0) # If not found, return last index in text: return len(text) - 1
[docs] def find_closing_bracket(text, start_pos=0, get_open=False): """ Find the closing bracket that matches the nearest opening bracket in text starting from start_pos. Parameters ---------- text: String Text to search through. start_pos: Integer Starting position where to start looking for the brackets. get_opening: Bool If True, return a tuple with the position of both opening and closing brackets. Returns ------- end_pos: Integer The absolute position to the cursor position at closing bracket. Returns None if there are no matching brackets. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.utils as u >>> text = '@ARTICLE{key, author={last_name}, title={The Title}}' >>> end_pos = u.find_closing_bracket(text) >>> print(text[:end_pos+1]) @ARTICLE{key, author={last_name}, title={The Title}} >>> start_pos = 14 >>> end_pos = find_closing_bracket(text, start_pos=start_pos) >>> print(text[start_pos:end_pos+1]) author={last_name} """ left_bracket = text[start_pos:].find('{') if left_bracket < 0: return None start_pos += left_bracket + 1 end_pos = len(text) stack = 1 for index,char in enumerate(text[start_pos:end_pos]): if char == '{': stack += 1 elif char == '}': stack -= 1 if stack == 0: if get_open: return left_bracket, start_pos + index return start_pos + index return None
#@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024, typed=False)
[docs] def parse_name(name, nested=None, key=None): r""" Parse first, last, von, and jr parts from a name, following these rules: Page 23. Parameters ---------- name: String A name following the BibTeX format. nested: 1D integer ndarray Nested level of characters in name. key: Sting The entry that contains this author name (to display in case of a warning). Returns ------- author: Author namedtuple Four element tuple with the parsed name. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import parse_name >>> names = ['{Hendrickson}, A.', >>> 'Eric Jones', >>> '{AAS Journals Team}', >>> "St{\\'{e}}fan van der Walt"] >>> for name in names: >>> print(f'{repr(name)}:\n{parse_name(name)}\n') '{Hendrickson}, A.': Author(last='{Hendrickson}', first='A.', von='', jr='') 'Eric Jones': Author(last='Jones', first='Eric', von='', jr='') '{AAS Journals Team}': Author(last='{AAS Journals Team}', first='', von='', jr='') "St{\\'{e}}fan van der Walt": Author(last='Walt', first="St{\\'{e}}fan", von='van der', jr='') """ if nested is None: nested = nest(name) name = " ".join(cond_split(name, "~", nested=nested)) fields, nests = cond_split(name, ",", nested=nested, ret_nests=True) if len(fields) > 3: warnings.formatwarning = warnings_format warning_text = f"Too many commas in name '{name}'" if key is not None: warning_text += f" for entry '{key}'" warnings.warn(warning_text) # LaTeX seems to interpret extra content as middle names: fields = [fields[0], ' '.join(fields[1:])] nests = [nests[0], nest(fields[1])] # 'First von Last' format: if len(fields) == 1: jr = "" words = [ word for word in cond_split(fields[0], " ", nested=nests[0]) if word != ""] lowers = [s[0].islower() for s in words[:-1]] if np.any(lowers): ifirst = np.min(np.where(lowers)) ilast = np.max(np.where(lowers)) + 1 else: ifirst = ilast = len(words) - 1 # Join words, then collapse blanks: first = " ".join(words[0:ifirst]) first = " ".join(first.split()) von = " ".join(words[ifirst:ilast]) von = " ".join(von.split()) last = " ".join(words[ilast:]) last = " ".join(last.split()) else: vonlast = fields[0] if vonlast.strip() == "": raise ValueError( f"Invalid BibTeX format for author '{name}', it " "does not have a last name.") # 'von Last, First' format: if len(fields) == 2: jr = "" first = " ".join(fields[1].split()) # 'von Last, Jr, First' format: elif len(fields) == 3: jr = " ".join(fields[1].split()) first = " ".join(fields[2].split()) words = [ word for word in cond_split(vonlast, " ", nested=nests[0]) if word != ""] lowers = [s[0].islower() for s in words[:-1]] if np.any(lowers): ilast = np.max(np.where(lowers)) + 1 von = " ".join(words[:ilast]) else: von = "" ilast = 0 last = " ".join(words[ilast:]) last = " ".join(last.split()) return Author(last=last, first=first, von=von, jr=jr)
[docs] def repr_author(Author): """ Get string representation of an Author namedtuple in the format: von Last, jr., First. Parameters ---------- Author: An Author() namedtuple An author name. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import repr_author, parse_name >>> names = ['Last', 'First Last', 'First von Last', 'von Last, First', >>> 'von Last, sr., First'] >>> for name in names: >>> print(f"{name!r:22}: {repr_author(parse_name(name))}") 'Last' : Last 'First Last' : Last, First 'First von Last' : von Last, First 'von Last, First' : von Last, First 'von Last, sr., First': von Last, sr., First """ name = Author.last if Author.von != "": name = " ".join([Author.von, name]) if Author.jr != "": name += f", {Author.jr}" if Author.first != "": name += f", {Author.first}" return name
#@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024, typed=False)
[docs] def purify(name, german=False): r""" Replace accented characters closely following these rules: For a more complete list of special characters, see Table 2.2 of 'The Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX2e' by Oetiker et al. (2008). Parameters ---------- name: String Name to be 'purified'. german: Bool Replace umlaut with german style (append 'e' after). Returns ------- Lower-cased name without accent characters. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import purify >>> names = ["St{\\'{e}}fan", "{{\\v S}ime{\\v c}kov{\\'a}}", "{AAS Journals Team}", "Kov{\\'a}{\\v r}{\\'i}k", "Jarom{\\'i}r Kov{\\'a\\v r\\'i}k", "{\\.I}volgin", "Gon{\\c c}alez Nu{\~n}ez", "Knausg{\\aa}rd Sm{\\o}rrebr{\\o}d", 'Schr{\\"o}dinger Be{\\ss}er'] >>> for name in names: >>> print(f"{name!r:35}: {purify(name)}") "St{\\'{e}}fan" : stefan "{{\\v S}ime{\\v c}kov{\\'a}}" : simeckova '{AAS Journals Team}' : aas journals team "Kov{\\'a}{\\v r}{\\'i}k" : kovarik "Jarom{\\'i}r Kov{\\'a\\v r\\'i}k" : jaromir kovarik '{\\.I}volgin' : ivolgin 'Gon{\\c c}alez Nu{\\~n}ez' : goncalez nunez 'Knausg{\\aa}rd Sm{\\o}rrebr{\\o}d' : knausgaard smorrebrod 'Schr{\\"o}dinger Be{\\ss}er' : schrodinger besser """ # German umlaut replace: if german: for pattern in ["a", "o", "u"]: name = re.sub(fr'\\"{pattern}', pattern+"e", name) # Remove special: name = re.sub(r"\\(\"|\^|`|\.|'|~)", "", name) # Remove special + white space: name = re.sub(r"\\(c |u |H |v |d |b |t )", "", name) # Remove special + braces: name = re.sub(r"\\(c{|u{|H{|v{|d{|b{|t{)", "{", name) # Replace pattern: for pattern in [ "o", "O", "l", "L", "i", "j", "aa", "AA", "AE", "oe", "OE", "ss"]: name = re.sub(fr"\\{pattern}", pattern, name) # Remove braces, clean up, and return: return re.sub("({|})", "", name).strip().lower()
[docs] def initials(name): r""" Get initials from a name. Parameters ---------- name: String A name. Returns ------- initials: String Name initials (lower cased). Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import initials >>> names = ["", "D.", "D. W.", "G.O.", '{\\"O}. H.', "J. Y.-K.", >>> "Phil", "Phill Henry Scott"] >>> for name in names: >>> print(f"{name!r:20}: {initials(name)!r}") '' : '' 'D.' : 'd' 'D. W.' : 'dw' 'G.O.' : 'g' '{\\"O}. H.' : 'oh' 'J. Y.-K.' : 'jyk' 'Phil' : 'p' 'Phill Henry Scott' : 'phs' >>> # 'G.O.' is a typo by the user, should have had a blank in between. """ name = purify(name) split_names = name.replace("-", " ").split() # Somehow string[0:1] does not break when string = "", unlike string[0]. return "".join([name[0:1] for name in split_names])
[docs] def get_authors(authors, format='long'): """ Get string representation for the author list. Parameters ---------- authors: List of Author() nametuple format: String If format='ushort', display only the first author's last name, followed by a '+' if there are more authors. If format='short', display at most the first two authors followed by 'et al.' if corresponds. Else, display the full list of authors. Returns ------- author_list: String String representation of the author list in the requested format. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import get_authors, parse_name >>> author_lists = [ >>> [parse_name('{Hunter}, J. D.')], >>> [parse_name('{AAS Journals Team}'), parse_name('{Hendrickson}, A.')], >>> [parse_name('Eric Jones'), parse_name('Travis Oliphant'), >>> parse_name('Pearu Peterson')] >>> ] >>> # Ultra-short format: >>> for i,authors in enumerate(author_lists): >>> print(f"{i+1} author(s): {get_authors(authors, format='ushort')}") 1 author(s): Hunter 2 author(s): AAS Journals Team+ 3 author(s): Jones+ >>> # Short format: >>> for i,authors in enumerate(author_lists): >>> print(f"{i+1} author(s): {get_authors(authors, format='short')}") 1 author(s): {Hunter}, J. D. 2 author(s): {AAS Journals Team} and {Hendrickson}, A. 3 author(s): Jones, Eric; et al. >>> # Long format: >>> for i,authors in enumerate(author_lists): >>> print(f"{i+1} author(s): {get_authors(authors)}") 1 author(s): {Hunter}, J. D. 2 author(s): {AAS Journals Team} and {Hendrickson}, A. 3 author(s): Jones, Eric; Oliphant, Travis; and Peterson, Pearu """ if authors is None: return '' if format == "ushort": # Remove characters except letters, spaces, dashes, and parentheses: last = re.sub(r"[^\w\s\-\(\)]", "", authors[0].last) if len(authors) > 1: last = f"{last}+" return last if len(authors) <= 2: return " and ".join([repr_author(author) for author in authors]) if format != 'short': author_list = [repr_author(author) for author in authors] authors = "; ".join(author_list[:-1]) return authors + "; and " + author_list[-1] else: return repr_author(authors[0]) + "; et al."
[docs] def next_char(text): r""" Get index of next non-blank character in string text. Return zero if all characters are blanks. Parameters ---------- text: String A string, duh!. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import next_char >>> texts = ["Hello", " Hello", " Hello ", "", "\n Hello", " "] >>> for text in texts: >>> print(f"{text!r:11}: {next_char(text)}") 'Hello' : 0 ' Hello' : 2 ' Hello ' : 2 '' : 0 '\n Hello' : 2 ' ' : 0 """ nchars = len(text) # Empty string: if nchars == 0: return 0 i = 0 while text[i].isspace(): i += 1 # Reach end of string, all characters blanks: if i == nchars: return 0 return i
[docs] def last_char(text): r""" Get index of last non-blank character in string text. Parameters ---------- text: String Any string. Returns ------- index: Integer Index of last non-blank character. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import last_char >>> texts = ["Hello", " Hello", " Hello ", "", "\n Hello", " "] >>> for text in texts: >>> print(f"{text!r:12}: {last_char(text)}") 'Hello' : 5 ' Hello' : 7 ' Hello ' : 7 '' : 0 '\n Hello' : 7 ' ' : 0 """ index = len(text) if index == 0: return 0 while text[index-1].isspace() and index > 0: index -= 1 return index
[docs] def get_fields(entry): r""" Generator to parse entries of a bibliographic entry. Parameters ---------- entry: String A bibliographic entry text. Yields ------ The first yield is the entry's key. All following yields are three-element tuples containing a field name, field value, and nested level of the field value. Notes ----- Global quotations or braces on a value are removed before yielding. Example ------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import get_fields >>> entry = ''' @Article{Hunter2007ieeeMatplotlib, Author = {{Hunter}, J. D.}, Title = {Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment}, Journal = {Computing In Science \& Engineering}, Volume = {9}, Number = {3}, Pages = {90--95}, publisher = {IEEE COMPUTER SOC}, doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2007.55}, year = 2007 }''' >>> fields = get_fields(entry) >>> # Get the entry's key: >>> print(next(fields)) Hunter2007ieeeMatplotlib >>> # Now get the fields, values, and nested level: >>> for key, value, nested in fields: >>> print(f"{key:9}: {value}\n{'':11}{''.join([str(v) for v in nested])}") author : {Hunter}, J. D. 233333332222222 title : Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment 2222222222222222222222222222222222222 journal : Computing In Science \& Engineering 22222222222222222222222222222222222 volume : 9 2 number : 3 2 pages : 90--95 222222 publisher: IEEE COMPUTER SOC 22222222222222222 doi : 10.1109/MCSE.2007.55 22222222222222222222 year : 2007 1111 """ # First yield is the key: nested = list(nest(entry)) start = nested.index(1) loc = entry.index(",") yield entry[start:loc] loc += 1 # Next equal sign delimits key: while entry[loc:].find("=") >= 0: eq = entry[loc:].find("=") key = entry[loc:loc+eq].strip().lower() # next non-blank character: start = loc + eq + 1 + next_char(entry[loc+eq+1:]) if entry[start] == "{": end = start + nested[start+1:].index(1) start += 1 elif entry[start] == '"': start += 1 end = start + cond_next(entry[start:], '"', nested[start:], nlev=1) else: end = start + cond_next(entry[start:], ",", nested[start:], nlev=1) start += next_char(entry[start:end]) end = start + last_char(entry[start:end]) loc = end + np.clip(entry[end:].find(","), 0, len(entry)) + 1 yield key, entry[start:end], nested[start:end]
[docs] def req_input(prompt, options): """ Query for an answer to prompt message until the user provides a valid input (i.e., answer is in options). Parameters ---------- prompt: String Prompt text for input()'s argument. options: List List of options to accept. Elements in list are cast into strings. Returns ------- answer: String The user's input. Examples -------- >>> from bibmanager.utils import req_input >>> req_input('Enter number between 0 and 9: ', options=np.arange(10)) >>> # Enter the number 10: Enter number between 0 and 9: 10 >>> # Now enter the number 5: Not a valid input. Try again: 5 '5' """ # Cast options as str: options = [str(option) for option in options] answer = input(prompt) while answer not in options: answer = input("Not a valid input. Try again: ") return answer
[docs] def warnings_format(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """Custom format for warnings.""" return f'Warning: {message}\n'
[docs] def tokenizer(attribute, value, value_token=Token.Literal.String): """ Shortcut to generate formatted-text tokens for attribute-value texts. The attribute is set in a Token.Name.Attribute style, followed by a colon (Token.Punctuation style), and followed by the value (in value_token style). Parameters ---------- attribute: String Name of the attribute. value: String The attribute's value. value_token: a pygments.token object The style for the attribute's value. Returns ------- tokens: List of (style, text) tuples. Tuples that can lated be fed into a FormattedText() or other prompt_toolkit text formatting calls. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.utils as u >>> tokens = u.tokenizer('Title', 'Synthesis of the Elements in Stars') >>> print(tokens) [(Token.Name.Attribute, 'Title'), (Token.Punctuation, ': '), (Token.Literal.String, 'Synthesis of the Elements in Stars'), (Token.Text, '\n')] >>> # Pretty printing: >>> import prompt_toolkit >>> from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens >>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name >>> style = prompt_toolkit.styles.style_from_pygments_cls( >>> get_style_by_name('autumn')) >>> prompt_toolkit.print_formatted_text( >>> PygmentsTokens(tokens), style=style) Title: Synthesis of the Elements in Stars """ if value is None or value == '': return [] tokens = [ (Token.Name.Attribute, attribute), (Token.Punctuation, ': '), (value_token, value), (Token.Text, '\n'), ] return tokens
[docs] class AutoSuggestCompleter(AutoSuggest): """Give suggestions based on the words in WordCompleter."""
[docs] def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document): completer = buffer.completer.get_completer() # Consider only the last line for the suggestion. text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Consider only last word: for tw in text.split(): for kw in completer.words: if tw.startswith(kw): text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ') # Make the last word a '' if text ends with a space: text_words = text.split() if len(text) == 0 or text[-1].isspace(): text_words.append('') text = text_words[-1] completer.bottom = text # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line. if text.strip(): # Find first matching line in history. for string in completer.words: for line in reversed(string.splitlines()): if line.startswith(text): return Suggestion(line[len(text):])
[docs] class DynamicKeywordCompleter(WordCompleter): """Provide tab-completion for keys and words in corresponding key.""" def __init__(self, key_words): self.key_words = key_words self.keys = list(key_words.keys()) if '' in self.keys: self.keys.remove('') self.words = self.keys + key_words[''] else: self.words = self.keys[:] self._keys = [ key[:-1] if key.endswith('"') else key for key in self.keys] super().__init__(self.words)
[docs] def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): """Get right key/option completions.""" # Text up to cursor position: text = document.text[0:document.cursor_position_col] text_words = text.split() # Search for keys from end to begining: key = '' for word in reversed(text_words): for kw in self._keys: if word.startswith(kw): key = kw break if key != '': break if len(text_words) == 0 or text.endswith(' '): last_word = '' else: last_word = text_words[-1] last_word = last_word.replace(key, '', 1) text_since_key = text[text.rindex(key):] # Colon-keys can only be in last or previous word: if key == '': self.words = self.keys[:] elif key.endswith(':'): text_from_key = text_since_key.replace(key, '', 1).lstrip() words_from_key = len(text_from_key.split()) if int(text.endswith(' ')) + words_from_key > 1: self.words = self.keys[:] else: self.words = self.key_words[key] # Quote-keys: else: authors =':"([^"]*)(["]?)', text_since_key) # open-ended quotes: if == '': last_word = self.words = self.key_words[key+'"'] # closed quotes: else: self.words = self.keys[:] for word in self.words: # True when the word before the cursor matches. if word.startswith(last_word): meta = self.meta_dict.get(word, "") yield Completion(word, -len(last_word), display_meta=meta)
[docs] class DynamicKeywordSuggester(AutoSuggest): """Give dynamic suggestions as in DynamicKeywordCompleter."""
[docs] def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document): if hasattr(buffer.completer, 'get_completer'): completer = buffer.completer.get_completer() else: completer = buffer.completer # Consider only the last line for the suggestion: text = document.text[0:document.cursor_position_col] text_words = text.split() key = '' for word in reversed(text_words): for kw in completer._keys: if word.startswith(kw): key = kw break if key != '': break if len(text_words) == 0 or text.endswith(' '): last_word = '' else: last_word = text_words[-1] last_word = last_word.replace(key, '', 1) text_since_key = text[text.rindex(key):] # Colon-keys can only be in last or previous: if key == '': words = completer.keys[:] elif key.endswith(':'): text_from_key = text_since_key.replace(key, '', 1).lstrip() words_from_key = len(text_from_key.split()) if int(text.endswith(' ')) + words_from_key > 1: words = completer.keys[:] else: words = completer.key_words[key] # Quote-keys: else: authors =':"([^"]*)(["]?)', text_since_key) # open-ended quotes: if == '': last_word = words = completer.key_words[key+'"'] # closed quotes: else: words = completer.keys[:] completer.bottom = last_word # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line. if last_word.strip(): for word in words: if word.startswith(last_word): return Suggestion(word[len(last_word):])
[docs] class KeyWordCompleter(WordCompleter): def __init__(self, words, bibs): super().__init__(words) self.bibs = bibs
[docs] def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): """Get right key/option completions.""" text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Insert a space after colon if there is a 'key': for tw in text.split(): for kw in self.words: if tw.startswith(kw): text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ') # Make the last word a '' if text ends with a space: text_words = text.split() if len(text) == 0 or text[-1].isspace(): text_words.append('') nwords = len(text_words) text = text_words[-1] keyword_exists = ( nwords > 1 and text_words[-2] in self.words and text_words[-2].endswith(':') ) if keyword_exists: key = text_words[-2] else: key = '' # List of words to match against: if key in self.words: try: options = np.unique([ str(getattr(bib,key[:-1])) for bib in self.bibs if getattr(bib,key[:-1]) is not None]) except: return else: options = self.words for word in options: # True when the word before the cursor matches. if word.startswith(text): display_meta = self.meta_dict.get(word, "") yield Completion(word, -len(text), display_meta=display_meta)
[docs] class KeyPathCompleter(WordCompleter, PathCompleter): def __init__(self, words, bibs): WordCompleter.__init__(self, words) PathCompleter.__init__(self, min_input_len=0, expanduser=True) self.bibs = bibs
[docs] def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): """Get right key/option/file completions.""" text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Insert a space after colon if there is a 'key': for tw in text.split(): for kw in self.words: if tw.startswith(kw): text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ') # Make the last word a '' if text ends with a space: text_words = text.split() if len(text) == 0 or text[-1].isspace(): text_words.append('') nwords = len(text_words) text = text_words[-1] if nwords>1 and text_words[-2] in self.words: key = text_words[-2] elif nwords>2 and text_words[-3] in self.words: key = None if text_words[-1] == '': text = './' else: key = '' if key is None: yield from self.path_completions(text) return # List of words to match against: if key in self.words: try: options = np.unique([ str(getattr(bib,key[:-1])) for bib in self.bibs if getattr(bib,key[:-1]) is not None]) except: return else: options = self.words for word in options: # True when the word before the cursor matches. if word.startswith(text): display_meta = self.meta_dict.get(word, "") yield Completion(word, -len(text), display_meta=display_meta)
[docs] def path_completions(self, text): """Slightly modified from PathCompleter.get_completions()""" if len(text) < self.min_input_len: return try: text = os.path.expanduser(text) if os.path.dirname(text): directories = [ os.path.dirname(os.path.join(p, text)) for p in self.get_paths()] else: directories = self.get_paths() # Start of current file. prefix = os.path.basename(text) # Get all filenames except hidden files. filenames = [ (directory, filename) for directory in directories for filename in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(directory) if filename.startswith(prefix) and not filename.startswith('.') ] # Sort filenames = sorted(filenames, key=lambda k: k[1]) # Yield them. for directory, filename in filenames: completion = filename[len(prefix):] full_name = os.path.join(directory, filename) if os.path.isdir(full_name): filename += "/" elif self.only_directories: continue if not self.file_filter(full_name): continue yield Completion(completion, 0, display=filename) except OSError: pass
[docs] class AutoSuggestKeyCompleter(AutoSuggest): """Give suggestions based on the words in WordCompleter."""
[docs] def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document): completer = buffer.completer.get_completer() # Consider only the last line for the suggestion. text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line. if text == '' or text[-1].isspace() or text[-1] == ':': return # Consider only two last words: words = text.split() if ':' in words[-1]: key, word = words[-1].split(':')[-2:] key = key + ':' elif len(words) > 1: key, word = words[-2:] else: key, word = '', words[-1] if key in completer.words: options = np.unique([ str(getattr(bib,key[:-1])) for bib in completer.bibs if getattr(bib,key[:-1]) is not None]) else: options = completer.words # Find first matching line in history. for string in options: for line in reversed(string.splitlines()): if line.startswith(word): return Suggestion(line[len(word):])
[docs] class LastKeyCompleter(WordCompleter): """Give completer options according to last key found in input.""" def __init__(self, key_words): """ Parameters ---------- key_words: Dict Dictionary containing the available keys and the set of words corresponding to each key. An empty-string key denotes the default set of words to show when no key is found in the input text. """ self.key_words = key_words self.keys = list(key_words.keys()) if '' in self.keys: self.keys.remove('') self.words = self.keys + key_words[''] else: self.words = self.keys[:] super().__init__(self.words)
[docs] def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): """ Get right key/option completions, i.e., the set of possible keys (except the latest key found in the input text) and the set of words according to the latest key in the input text. """ text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Insert a space after colon if there is a key in the input: for tw in text.split(): for kw in self.keys: if tw.startswith(kw) and kw.endswith(':'): text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ') text_words = text.split() for word in reversed(text_words): if word in self.keys: key = word break else: key = '' # Search for keys from end to begining: self.words = self.keys[:] if key in self.key_words: self.words += self.key_words[key] if key in self.words: self.words.remove(key) if text == '' or text.endswith(' '): last_word = '' else: last_word = text_words[-1] for word in self.words: # True when the word before the cursor matches. if word.startswith(last_word): meta = self.meta_dict.get(word, "") yield Completion(word, -len(last_word), display_meta=meta)
[docs] class LastKeySuggestCompleter(AutoSuggest): """Give suggestions based on the keys and words in LastKeyCompleter."""
[docs] def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document): completer = buffer.completer.get_completer() # Consider only the last line for the suggestion. text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] # Insert a space after colon if there is a key in the input: for tw in text.split(): for kw in completer.keys: if tw.startswith(kw) and kw.endswith(':'): text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ') # Search for keys from end to begining: text_words = text.split() for word in reversed(text_words): if word in completer.keys: key = word break else: key = '' words = completer.keys[:] if key in completer.key_words: words += completer.key_words[key] if key in words: words.remove(key) if text == '' or text.endswith(' '): last_word = '' else: last_word = text_words[-1] completer.bottom = last_word # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line. if last_word.strip(): for word in words: if word.startswith(last_word): return Suggestion(word[len(last_word):])
[docs] class AlwaysPassValidator(Validator): """Validator that always passes (using actually for bottom toolbar).""" def __init__(self, bibs, toolbar_text=''): super().__init__() self.bibs = bibs self.keys = [bib.key for bib in bibs] self.pdfs = [bib.pdf for bib in bibs] self.bibcodes = [bib.bibcode for bib in bibs] self.default_toolbar_text = toolbar_text self.toolbar_text = self.default_toolbar_text
[docs] def validate(self, document): text_words = document.text.split() # Null text: if text_words == []: self.toolbar_text = self.default_toolbar_text return True text = text_words[-1] if ':' in text: text = text.split(':')[-1] if text in self.keys: bib = self.bibs[self.keys.index(text)] elif text in self.pdfs: bib = self.bibs[self.pdfs.index(text)] elif text in self.bibcodes: bib = self.bibs[self.bibcodes.index(text)] else: bib = None if bib is None: self.toolbar_text = self.default_toolbar_text else: year = '' if bib.year is None else bib.year title = 'NO_TITLE' if bib.title is None else bib.title self.toolbar_text = f"{bib.get_authors('ushort')}{year}: {title}" return True
def bottom_toolbar(self): return self.toolbar_text