Source code for bibmanager.bib_manager.bib_manager

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Patricio Cubillos.
# bibmanager is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

__all__ = [

import datetime
import itertools
import os
import pickle
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import urllib
import warnings

import numpy as np
import prompt_toolkit
from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
from prompt_toolkit.output.defaults import create_output
from prompt_toolkit import print_formatted_text
import pygments
from pygments.token import Token
from pygments.lexers.bibtex import BibTeXLexer

from .. import config_manager as cm
from .. import utils as u
from ..__init__ import __version__

# Some constant definitions:
lexer = prompt_toolkit.lexers.PygmentsLexer(BibTeXLexer)

months  = {
    "jan":1, "feb":2, "mar":3, "apr": 4, "may": 5, "jun":6,
    "jul":7, "aug":8, "sep":9, "oct":10, "nov":11, "dec":12,

[docs] class Bib(object): """ Bibliographic-entry object. """ def __init__(self, entry, pdf=None, freeze=None, tags=[]): """ Create a Bib() object from given entry. Parameters ---------- entry: String A bibliographic entry text. pdf: String Name of PDF file associated with this entry. freeze: Bool Flag that, if True, prevents the entry to be ADS-updated. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> entry = '''@Misc{JonesEtal2001scipy, author = {Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson}, title = {{SciPy}: Open source scientific tools for {Python}}, year = {2001}, }''' >>> bib = bm.Bib(entry) >>> print(bib.title) SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python >>> for author in bib.authors: >>> print(author) Author(last='Jones', first='Eric', von='', jr='') Author(last='Oliphant', first='Travis', von='', jr='') Author(last='Peterson', first='Pearu', von='', jr='') >>> print(bib.sort_author) Sort_author(last='jones', first='e', von='', jr='', year=2001, month=13) """ if u.count(entry) != 0: raise ValueError("Mismatched braces in entry.") self.content = entry # Defaults: self.authors = None self.title = None self.year = None self.month = 13 self.adsurl = None self.bibcode = None self.doi = None self.eprint = None self.isbn = None # Meta info (not contained in bibtex): self.pdf = pdf self.freeze = freeze self.tags = tags fields = u.get_fields(self.content) self.key = next(fields) for key, value, nested in fields: if key == "title": # Title with no braces, tabs, nor linebreak and corrected blanks: self.title = " ".join(re.sub("({|})", "", value).split()) elif key == "booktitle" and self.title is None: # Only when the entry does not contain a 'title' field: self.title = " ".join(re.sub("({|})", "", value).split()) elif key == "author": # Parse authors finding all non-brace-nested 'and' instances: authors, nests = u.cond_split( value.replace("\n"," "), " and ", nested=nested, ret_nests=True) self.authors = [ u.parse_name(author, nested, self.key) for author,nested in zip(authors,nests)] elif key == "year": value = re.sub('({|}|")', '', value) if value.isnumeric(): self.year = int(value) else: warnings.formatwarning = u.warnings_format warnings.warn( f"Bad year format value '{value}' for entry '{self.key}'") elif key == "month": value = value.lower().strip() if value.isdigit(): month = int(value) else: month = value[0:3] if month in months.values(): self.month = month elif month in months.keys(): self.month = months[month] elif month == '': pass else: warnings.formatwarning = u.warnings_format warnings.warn( f"Invalid month value '{value}' for entry '{self.key}'") elif key == "doi": self.doi = value elif key == "adsurl": self.adsurl = value # Get bibcode from adsurl, un-code UTF-8, and remove backslashes: bibcode = os.path.split(value)[1].replace('\\', '') self.bibcode = urllib.parse.unquote(bibcode) elif key == "eprint": self.eprint = value.replace('arXiv:','').replace('astro-ph/','') elif key == "isbn": self.isbn = value.lower().strip() # First-author fields used for sorting: # Note this differs from Author[0], since fields are 'purified', # and 'first' goes only by initials(). if self.authors is not None: last = u.purify(self.authors[0].last) first = u.initials(self.authors[0].first) von = u.purify(self.authors[0].von) jr = u.purify(self.authors[0].jr) else: last, first, von, jr = None, None, None, None self.sort_author = u.Sort_author( last, first, von, jr, self.year, self.month, )
[docs] def update_content(self, other): """Update the bibtex content of self with that of other.""" # Update these (non-bibtex info) only if not None: non_bibtex = ['pdf', 'freeze', 'tags'] for key,val in other.__dict__.items(): empty_meta = key in non_bibtex and (val is None or val == []) if key in self.__dict__ and not empty_meta: setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def update_key(self, new_key): """Update key with new_key, making sure to also update content.""" self.content = self.content.replace(self.key, new_key, 1) self.key = new_key
[docs] def meta(self): """String containing the non-None meta information.""" meta = '' if self.freeze: meta += 'freeze\n' if self.pdf is not None: meta += f'pdf: {self.pdf}\n' if self.tags != []: meta += 'tags: ' + ' '.join(tag for tag in self.tags) + '\n' return meta
def __repr__(self): return self.meta() + self.content def __contains__(self, author): r""" Check if given author is in the author list of this bib entry. If the 'author' string begins with the '^' character, match only against the first author. Parameters ---------- author: String An author name in a valid BibTeX format. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> bib = bm.Bib('''@ARTICLE{DoeEtal2020, author = {{Doe}, J. and {Perez}, J. and {Dupont}, J.}, title = "What Have the Astronomers ever Done for Us?", journal = {\apj}, year = 2020,}''') >>> # Check for first author: >>> 'Doe, J' in bib True >>> # Format doesn't matter, as long as it is a valid format: >>> 'John Doe' in bib True >>> # Neglecting first's initials still match: >>> 'Doe' in bib True >>> # But, non-matching initials wont match: >>> 'Doe, K.' in bib False >>> # Match against first author only if string begins with '^': >>> '^Doe' in bib True >>> '^Perez' in bib False """ if self.authors is None: return False # Check first-author mark: if author[0:1] == '^': author = author[1:] authors = [self.authors[0]] else: authors = self.authors # Parse and purify input author name: author = u.parse_name(author) first = u.initials(author.first) von = u.purify(author.von) last = u.purify(author.last) jr = u.purify(author.jr) # Remove non-matching authors by each non-empty field: if len(jr) > 0: authors = [author for author in authors if jr == u.purify(author.jr)] if len(von) > 0: authors = [ author for author in authors if von == u.purify(author.von)] if len(first) > 0: authors = [ author for author in authors if first == u.initials(author.first)[0:len(first)]] authors = [author for author in authors if last == u.purify(author.last)] return len(authors) >= 1 # def __lt__(self, other): """ Evaluate sequentially according to sort_author's fields: last, first, von, and jr, year, and month. If any of these fields are equal, go on to next field to compare. """ s, o = self.sort_author, other.sort_author if s.last is None and o.last is not None: return False elif s.last is not None and o.last is None: return True elif s.last is not None and o.last is not None: if s.last != o.last: return s.last < o.last if len(s.first) == 1 or len(o.first) == 1: if s.first[0:1] != o.first[0:1]: return s.first < o.first else: if s.first != o.first: return s.first < o.first if s.von != o.von: return s.von < o.von if s.jr != o.jr: return s.jr < o.jr s_year = 9999 if s.year is None else s.year o_year = 9999 if o.year is None else o.year if s_year != o_year: return s_year < o_year return s.month < o.month def __eq__(self, other): """ Check whether self and other have same sort_author (first author) and year/month. Evaluate to equal by first initial if one entry has less initials than the other. """ s, o = self.sort_author, other.sort_author if s.last is None and o.last is None: return s.year == o.year and s.month == o.month if s.last is None or o.last is None: return False if len(s.first) == 1 or len(o.first) == 1: first = s.first[0:1] == o.first[0:1] else: first = s.first == o.first return ( s.last == o.last and first and s.von == o.von and s.jr == o.jr and s.year == o.year and s.month == o.month ) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def published(self): """ Published status according to the ADS bibcode field: Return -1 if bibcode is None. Return 0 if bibcode is arXiv. Return 1 if bibcode is peer-reviewed journal. """ if self.bibcode is None: return -1 return int(self.bibcode.find('arXiv') < 0)
[docs] def get_authors(self, format="short"): """ wrapper for string representation for the author list. See bib_manager.get_authors() for docstring. """ return u.get_authors(self.authors, format)
[docs] def display_bibs(labels, bibs, meta=False): r""" Display a list of bib entries on screen with flying colors. Parameters ---------- labels: List of Strings Header labels to show above each Bib() entry. bibs: List of Bib() objects BibTeX entries to display. meta: Bool If True, also display the meta-information. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> e1 = '''@Misc{JonesEtal2001scipy, author = {Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson}, title = {{SciPy}: Open source scientific tools for {Python}}, year = {2001}, }''' >>> e2 = '''@Misc{Jones2001, author = {Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson}, title = {SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python}, year = {2001}, }''' >>> bibs = [bm.Bib(e1), bm.Bib(e2)] >>> bm.display_bibs(["DATABASE:\n", "NEW:\n"], bibs) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DATABASE: @Misc{JonesEtal2001scipy, author = {Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson}, title = {{SciPy}: Open source scientific tools for {Python}}, year = {2001}, } NEW: @Misc{Jones2001, author = {Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson}, title = {SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python}, year = {2001}, } """ style = prompt_toolkit.styles.style_from_pygments_cls( pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(cm.get('style'))) if labels is None: labels = ["" for _ in bibs] tokens = [(Token.Comment, u.BANNER)] for label,bib in zip(labels, bibs): tokens += [(Token.Text, label)] if meta: tokens += [(Token.Comment, bib.meta())] tokens += list(pygments.lex(bib.content, lexer=BibTeXLexer())) tokens += [(Token.Text, "\n")] print_formatted_text( PygmentsTokens(tokens), end="", style=style, output=create_output(sys.stdout))
[docs] def display_list(bibs, verb=-1): """ Display a list of BibTeX entries with different verbosity levels. Although this might seem a duplication of display_bibs(), this function is meant to provide multiple levels of verbosity and generally to display longer lists of entries. Parameters ---------- bibs: List of Bib() objects BibTeX entries to display. verb: Integer The desired verbosity level: verb < 0: Display only the keys. verb = 0: Display the title, year, first author, and key. verb = 1: Display additionally the ADS and arXiv urls. verb = 2: Display additionally the full list of authors. verb > 2: Display the full BibTeX entry. """ # Display outputs depending on the verb level: if verb >= 3: display_bibs(labels=None, bibs=bibs, meta=True) return style = prompt_toolkit.styles.style_from_pygments_cls( pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(cm.get('style'))) if verb < 0: keys = "\n".join([bib.key for bib in bibs]) print(f'\nKeys:\n{keys}') return for bib in bibs: year = '' if bib.year is None else f', {bib.year}' title = textwrap.fill( f"Title: {bib.title}{year}", width=78, subsequent_indent=' ')[7:] title_tokens = u.tokenizer('Title', title) author_format = 'short' if verb < 2 else 'long' authors = textwrap.fill( f"Authors: {bib.get_authors(format=author_format)}", width=78, subsequent_indent=' ')[9:] author_tokens = u.tokenizer('Authors', authors) # URLs: url_tokens = [] if bib.eprint is not None: eprint = f'{bib.eprint}' url_tokens = u.tokenizer('ArXiv URL', eprint) url_tokens += u.tokenizer('ADS URL', bib.adsurl) url_tokens += u.tokenizer('bibcode', bib.bibcode) # Meta info: meta_tokens = u.tokenizer('PDF file', bib.pdf, Token.Comment) tags = textwrap.fill( ' '.join(bib.tags), width=78, subsequent_indent=' ')[6:] meta_tokens += u.tokenizer('Tags', tags, Token.Comment) if verb <= 0: url_tokens = [] meta_tokens = [] key_tokens = u.tokenizer('key', bib.key, Token.Name.Label) print_formatted_text( PygmentsTokens( [(Token.Text, '\n')] + title_tokens + author_tokens + url_tokens + meta_tokens + key_tokens), end="", style=style, output=create_output(sys.stdout))
[docs] def remove_duplicates(bibs, field): """ Look for duplicates (within a same list of entries) by field and remove them (in place). Parameters ---------- bibs: List of Bib() objects Entries to filter. field: String Field to use for filtering ('doi', 'isbn', 'bibcode', or 'eprint'). Returns ------- replacements: dict A dictionary of {old:new} duplicated keys that have been removed. """ replacements = {} fieldlist = [ getattr(bib,field) if getattr(bib,field) is not None else "" for bib in bibs ] # No entries: if len(fieldlist) == 0: return replacements ubib, uinv, counts = np.unique( fieldlist, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) multis = np.where((counts > 1) & (ubib != ""))[0] # No duplicates: if len(multis) == 0: return replacements removes = [] for m in multis: all_indices = np.where(uinv == m)[0] entries = [bibs[i].content for i in all_indices] # Remove identical entries: uentries, uidx = np.unique(entries, return_index=True) indices = list(all_indices[uidx]) removes += [idx for idx in all_indices if idx not in indices] if len(uentries) == 1: continue # If field is isbn, check doi to differentiate chapters from same book: if field == 'isbn': dois = [ bibs[idx].doi if bibs[idx].doi is not None else "" for idx in indices ] u_doi, doi_counts = np.unique(dois, return_counts=True) single_dois = u_doi[doi_counts==1] indices = [ idx for idx,doi in zip(indices,dois) if doi not in single_dois ] if len(indices) <= 1: continue replace_indices = np.copy(indices) # Pick peer-reviewed over ArXiv over non-ADS: pubs = [bibs[i].published() for i in indices] pubmax = np.amax(pubs) removes += [idx for idx,pub in zip(indices,pubs) if pub < pubmax] indices = [idx for idx,pub in zip(indices,pubs) if pub == pubmax] if len(indices) == 1: keep_key = bibs[indices[0]].key for i in all_indices: key = bibs[i].key if key != keep_key: replacements[key] = keep_key continue # Query the user: nbibs = len(indices) labels = [idx + " ENTRY:\n" for idx in u.ordinal(np.arange(nbibs)+1)] display_bibs(labels, [bibs[i] for i in indices]) s = u.req_input( f"Duplicate {field} field, []keep first, [2]second, " "[3]third, etc.: ", options=[""]+list(np.arange(nbibs)+1)) if s == "": idx_keep = indices.pop(0) else: idx_keep = indices.pop(int(s) - 1) removes += indices keep_key = bibs[idx_keep].key for i in replace_indices: key = bibs[i].key if key != keep_key: replacements[key] = keep_key for idx in reversed(sorted(removes)): bibs.pop(idx) return replacements
[docs] def filter_field(bibs, new, field, take): """ Filter duplicate entries by field between new and bibs. This routine modifies new removing the duplicates, and may modify bibs (depending on take argument). Parameters ---------- bibs: List of Bib() objects Database entries. new: List of Bib() objects New entries to add. field: String Field to use for filtering. take: String Decision-making protocol to resolve conflicts when there are duplicated entries: 'old': Take the database entry over new. 'new': Take the new entry over the database. 'ask': Ask user to decide (interactively). """ fields = [getattr(bib,field) for bib in bibs] removes = [] for i,bib in enumerate(new): if getattr(bib,field) is None or getattr(bib,field) not in fields: continue idx = fields.index(getattr(bib,field)) # There could be entries with same ISBN but different DOI: if field == 'isbn': new_doi = '' if bib.doi is None else bib.doi dois = [ '' if bib.doi is None else bib.doi for bib in bibs ] really_isbn_duplicates = [ isbn == bib.isbn and doi == new_doi for isbn,doi in zip(fields,dois) ] if not np.any(really_isbn_duplicates): continue idx = np.where(really_isbn_duplicates)[0][0] # Replace if duplicated and new has newer bibcode: if bib.published() > bibs[idx].published() or take == 'new': bibs[idx].update_content(bib) # Look for different-key conflict: if bib.key != bibs[idx].key and take == "ask": display_bibs(["DATABASE:\n", "NEW:\n"], [bibs[idx], bib]) s = u.req_input( f"Duplicate {field} field but different keys, []keep " "database or take [n]ew: ", options=["", "n"]) if s == "n": bibs[idx].update_content(bib) removes.append(i) for idx in reversed(sorted(removes)): new.pop(idx)
[docs] def read_file(bibfile=None, text=None, return_replacements=False): r""" Create a list of Bib() objects from a BibTeX file (.bib file). Parameters ---------- bibfile: String Path to an existing .bib file. text: String Content of a .bib file (ignored if bibfile is not None). return_replacements: Bool If True, also return a dictionary of replaced keys. Returns ------- bibs: List of Bib() objects List of Bib() objects of BibTeX entries in bibfile, sorted by Sort_author() fields. reps: Dict A dictionary of replaced key names. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> text = ( >>> "@misc{AASteamHendrickson2018aastex62,\n" >>> "author = {{AAS Journals Team} and {Hendrickson}, Amy},\n" >>> "title = {{AASJournals/AASTeX60: Version 6.2 official release}},\n" >>> "year = 2018\n" >>> "}") >>> bibs = bm.read_file(text=text) """ entries = [] # Store Lists of bibtex entries meta_info = [] # Meta information for each entry # Load a bib file: if bibfile is None and text is None: raise TypeError( "Missing input arguments for read_file(), at least " "bibfile or text must be provided." ) if bibfile is not None: with open(bibfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = position = 0 while True: start_pos = text.find('@', position) if start_pos < 0: break # TBD: bracket_or_parenthesis pos = u.find_closing_bracket(text, start_pos, get_open=True) # Open end: if pos is None: start_line = len(text[:start_pos].splitlines()) line = text.splitlines()[start_line].rstrip() raise ValueError( f"Mismatched braces at/after line {start_line}:\n{line}") left_bracket, end_pos = pos # Skip @comment entries if text[start_pos+1:start_pos+left_bracket].lower() == 'comment': position = end_pos continue # Content outside/before entry is comments or meta info: meta = { 'freeze': None, 'pdf': None, 'tags': [], } for line in text[position:start_pos].splitlines(): if line.lower().startswith('pdf'): meta['pdf'] = line.split()[-1] if line.lower().strip() == 'freeze': meta['freeze'] = True if line.lower().startswith('tags: '): meta['tags'] = line.split()[1:] entries.append(text[start_pos:end_pos+1]) meta_info.append(meta) position = end_pos bibs = [ Bib(entry, **meta) for entry,meta in zip(entries,meta_info) ] nbibs_input = len(bibs) reps = remove_duplicates(bibs, "doi") reps.update(remove_duplicates(bibs, "isbn")) reps.update(remove_duplicates(bibs, "bibcode")) reps.update(remove_duplicates(bibs, "eprint")) nbibs_output = len(bibs) if nbibs_output != nbibs_input: print(f'\nRemoved {nbibs_input-nbibs_output} duplicated entries.') # Check pathed-pdf meta values: for i,bib in enumerate(bibs): if bib.pdf is not None and os.path.dirname(bib.pdf) != '': filename = os.path.expanduser(bib.pdf) if not os.path.isfile(filename): bibs[i].pdf = None else: shutil.move( os.path.expanduser(filename), f"{u.BM_PDF()}{os.path.basename(filename)}") bibs[i].pdf = os.path.basename(filename) if return_replacements: return sorted(bibs), reps return sorted(bibs)
[docs] def save(entries): """ Save list of Bib() entries into bibmanager pickle database. Parameters ---------- entries: List of Bib() objects bib files to store. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> # TBD: Load some entries >>> """ with open(u.BM_DATABASE(), 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(entries, handle, protocol=4) pickle.dump(__version__, handle, protocol=4)
[docs] def load(bm_database=None): """ Load a Bibmanager database of BibTeX entries. Parameters ---------- bm_database: String A Bibmanager pickle database file. If None, default's the database in system. Returns ------- bibs: List Bib() instances Return an empty list if there is no database file. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> bibs = bm.load() """ if bm_database is None: bm_database = u.BM_DATABASE() try: with open(bm_database, 'rb') as handle: bibs = pickle.load(handle) except: return [] return bibs
[docs] def find(key=None, bibcode=None, bibs=None): """ Find an specific entry in the database. Parameters ---------- key: String Key of entry to find. bibcode: String Bibcode of entry to find (ignored if key is not None). bibs: List of Bib() instances Database where to search. If None, load the Bibmanager database. Returns ------- bib: a Bib() instance BibTex matching either key or bibcode. """ if bibs is None: bibs = load() if key is not None: for bib in bibs: if bib.key == key: return bib else: return None if bibcode is not None: for bib in bibs: if bib.bibcode == bibcode: return bib else: return None raise ValueError("Either key or bibcode arguments must be specified.")
[docs] def get_version(bm_database=None): """ Get version of pickled database file. If database does not exists, return current bibmanager version. If database does not contain version, return '0.0.0'. Parameters ---------- bm_database: String A Bibmanager pickle database file. If None, default's the database in system. Returns ------- version: String bibmanager version of pickled objects. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> bibs = bm.get_version() """ if bm_database is None: bm_database = u.BM_DATABASE() if not os.path.exists(bm_database): return __version__ with open(bm_database, 'rb') as handle: dummy = pickle.load(handle) try: version = pickle.load(handle) except EOFError: version = '0.0.0' return version
[docs] def export(entries, bibfile=None, meta=False): """ Export list of Bib() entries into a .bib file. Parameters ---------- entries: List of Bib() objects Entries to export. bibfile: String Output .bib file name. If None, export into home directory. meta: Bool If True, include meta information before the entries on the output bib file. """ if bibfile is None: bibfile = u.BM_BIBFILE() # Header for identification purposes: header = [ 'This file was created by bibmanager\n', '\n\n'] # Care not to overwrite user's bib files: if os.path.exists(bibfile): with open(bibfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: head = f.readline() if head.strip() != header[0].strip(): path, bfile = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(bibfile)) today = str( shutil.copy( bibfile, f'{path}/orig_{today}_{bfile}', ) with open(bibfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.writelines(header) for bib in entries: if meta: f.write(bib.meta()) f.write(bib.content) f.write("\n\n")
[docs] def merge(bibfile=None, new=None, take="old", base=None): """ Merge entries from a new bibfile into the bibmanager database (or into an input database). Parameters ---------- bibfile: String New .bib file to merge into the bibmanager database. new: List of Bib() objects List of new BibTeX entries (ignored if bibfile is not None). take: String Decision-making protocol to resolve conflicts when there are partially duplicated entries. 'old': Take the database entry over new. 'new': Take the new entry over the database. 'ask': Ask user to decide (interactively). base: List of Bib() objects If None, merge new entries into the bibmanager database. If not None, merge new entries into base. Returns ------- bibs: List of Bib() objects Merged list of BibTeX entries. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> import os >>> # TBD: Need to add sample2.bib into package. >>> newbib = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.bibmanager/examples/sample2.bib" >>> # Merge newbib into database: >>> bm.merge(newbib, take='old') """ if base is None: bibs = load() else: bibs = base if bibfile is not None: new = read_file(bibfile) if new is None: return # Filter duplicates by field: filter_field(bibs, new, "doi", take) filter_field(bibs, new, "isbn", take) filter_field(bibs, new, "bibcode", take) filter_field(bibs, new, "eprint", take) # Filter duplicate key: keep = np.zeros(len(new), bool) bm_keys = [bib.key for bib in bibs] for i,bib in enumerate(new): if bib.key not in bm_keys: keep[i] = True continue idx = bm_keys.index(bib.key) if bib.content == bibs[idx].content: continue # Duplicate, do not take else: display_bibs(["DATABASE:\n", "NEW:\n"], [bibs[idx], bib]) s = input( "Duplicate key but content differ, []ignore new, " "take [n]ew, or\nrename key of new entry: ") if s == "n": bibs[idx].update_content(bib) elif s != "": new[i].key = s new[i].content.replace(bib.key, s) keep[i] = True new = [bib for bib,keeper in zip(new,keep) if keeper] # Different key, same title: keep = np.zeros(len(new), bool) bm_titles = [bib.title for bib in bibs] for i,bib in enumerate(new): if bib.title not in bm_titles or bib.title is None: keep[i] = True continue idx = bm_titles.index(bib.title) display_bibs(["DATABASE:\n", "NEW:\n"], [bibs[idx], bib]) s = u.req_input( "Possible duplicate, same title but keys differ, " "[]ignore new, [r]eplace database with new, or [a]dd new: ", options=["", "r", "a"]) if s == "r": bibs[idx].update_content(bib) elif s == "a": keep[i] = True new = [bib for bib,keeper in zip(new,keep) if keeper] # Add all new entries and sort: bibs = sorted(bibs + new) if len(new) > 0: print(f"\nMerged {len(new)} new entries.") if base is None: save(bibs) export(bibs, meta=True) return bibs
[docs] def init(bibfile=None, reset_db=True, reset_config=False): """ Initialize bibmanager, reset database entries and config parameters. Parameters ---------- bibfile: String A bibfile to include as the new bibmanager database. If None, reset the bibmanager database with a clean slate. reset_db: Bool If True, reset the bibmanager database. reset_config: Bool If True, reset the config file. Examples -------- >>> import bibmanager.bib_manager as bm >>> import os >>> bibfile = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.bibmanager/examples/sample.bib" >>> bm.init(bibfile) """ # First install ever: if not os.path.exists(u.HOME): os.mkdir(u.HOME) if not os.path.exists(u.HOME+'pdf/'): os.mkdir(u.HOME+'pdf/') # Copy examples folder: shutil.rmtree(u.HOME+'examples/', ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(u.ROOT+'examples/', u.HOME+'examples/') # Make sure config exists before working with the database: if reset_config: with u.ignored(OSError): os.remove(u.HOME+'config') cm.update_keys() if reset_db: if bibfile is None: for bm_file in [u.BM_DATABASE(), u.BM_BIBFILE()]: with u.ignored(OSError): os.remove(bm_file) else: bibs = read_file(bibfile) save(bibs) export(bibs, meta=True)
[docs] def add_entries(take='ask'): """ Manually add BibTeX entries through the prompt. Parameters ---------- take: String Decision-making protocol to resolve conflicts when there are partially duplicated entries. 'old': Take the database entry over new. 'new': Take the new entry over the database. 'ask': Ask user to decide (interactively). """ style = prompt_toolkit.styles.style_from_pygments_cls( pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(cm.get('style'))) newbibs = prompt_toolkit.prompt( "Enter a BibTeX entry (press META+ENTER or ESCAPE ENTER when done):\n", multiline=True, lexer=lexer, style=style) new = read_file(text=newbibs) if len(new) == 0: print("No new entries to add.") return merge(new=new, take=take)
[docs] def edit(): """ Manually edit the bibfile database in text editor. Resources --------- """ export(load(), u.BM_TMP_BIB(), meta=True) # Open database.bib into temporary file with default text editor if sys.platform == "win32": os.startfile(u.BM_TMP_BIB()) else: opener = cm.get('text_editor') if opener == 'default': opener = "open" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "xdg-open"[opener, u.BM_TMP_BIB()]) # Launch input() call to wait for user to save edits: dummy = input( "Press ENTER to continue after you edit, save, and close " "the bib file.") # Check edits: try: new = read_file(u.BM_TMP_BIB()) finally: # Always delete the tmp file: os.remove(u.BM_TMP_BIB()) # Update database if everything went fine: with u.ignored(OSError): os.remove(u.BM_DATABASE()) merge(new=new)
[docs] def prompt_search_tags(prompt_text): r""" Do an interactive prompt search in the Bibmanager database by the given keywords, with auto-complete and auto-suggest only offering non-None values of the given field. Only one keyword must be set in the prompt. A bottom toolbar dynamically shows additional info. Parameters ---------- prompt_text: String Text to display when launching the prompt. Returns ------- kw_input: List of strings List of the parsed input (same order as keywords). Items are None for the keywords not defined. """ bibs = load() bibkeys = [bib.key for bib in bibs] bibcodes = [bib.bibcode for bib in bibs if bib.bibcode is not None] tags = sorted(set(itertools.chain( *[bib.tags for bib in bibs if bib.tags is not None]))) entries = bibkeys + bibcodes key_words = { '': entries, 'tags:': tags, } completer = u.LastKeyCompleter(key_words) suggester = u.LastKeySuggestCompleter() validator = u.AlwaysPassValidator( bibs, toolbar_text="(Press 'tab' for autocomplete)") session = prompt_toolkit.PromptSession( history=FileHistory(u.BM_HISTORY_TAGS())) inputs = session.prompt( prompt_text, auto_suggest=suggester, completer=completer, complete_while_typing=False, validator=validator, validate_while_typing=True, bottom_toolbar=validator.bottom_toolbar, ) text = inputs.replace(' tags:', ' tags: ') if text.startswith('tags:'): text = 'tags: ' + text[5:] input_strings = text.split() if 'tags:' not in input_strings: tag_index = len(input_strings) else: tag_index = input_strings.index('tags:') entries = input_strings[0:tag_index] tags = input_strings[tag_index+1:] # Translate bibcodes to keys and keep only valid keys: keys = [ find(bibcode=entry).key if entry in bibcodes else entry for entry in entries ] keys = [key for key in keys if key in bibkeys] return keys, tags